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Discover Tai Chi, Improve Your Life.

Tai Chi (Tai Chi Chuan, Taijichuan) is the oldest traditional Chinese self-defense exercise that has been tested over time for self-cultivation. It is a subtle blend of the most refined medical, meditative and martial knowledge, combining self-discipline, graceful movements and effortless strength.

The Chinese say the following about Tai Chi:

"With the right methods, you can gain the softness and flexibility of a baby, the strength and vitality of a woodcutter, and the inner peace and wisdom of a sage."

With Tai Chi, you grasp all aspects of your self, and as your physical and mental skills increase, your awareness, understanding and grasp of life develop.

Tai Chi is based on the mindful rediscovery of the body to enrich and inspire the experience of any aspect of one's life. Embracing everyone of all ages and abilities, Tai Chi is at once an individual and collective, physical and mental exercise.

“Mastering others is power; mastering yourself is true power .”

Lao Tzu

History of Tai Chi

Tai Chi and Philosophy

Tai Chi and Health

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